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20 November 2020
Along with our garden birds, live mammals from the big badgers and cunning foxes to the little shrews and nervy mice. You would be very...

13 November 2020
When the frosty nights get here, give a thought to our little garden friends. Bird boxes that were used to raise families in the spring,...

6 November 2020
If you don’t have a bird bath or other source of water, now is a great time to get one. The wildlife visiting our gardens need water,...

30 October 2020
Most of our garden’s perennials are fading but you can sow seeds now that will mature into nectar rich flowers in the spring and summer;...

23 October 2020
As the nights get darker and colder, a lot of our familiar wildlife enjoyed throughout the summer start to disappear. Some birds migrate,...

16 October 2020
The hedges and trees seem to be heavy with fruit and nuts at this time of year, however with the constant loss of valuable habitat and...

9 October 2020
It ’s Autumn and so many of us like to get busy cutting down all our fading perennials. But please think about your wildlife, tidiness is...
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