Whether your business is big or small, you have premises or work from home, there is something for everyone in the pledges below...
Choose one pledge from each section to achieve your wildlife friendly status and keep us updated with your progress and photos on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages, using #mywildlifepledge
If you need further help or some advice, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Easy to achieve
Reduce/Reuse/Recycle — recycling properly will help wildlife immensely! It reduces the amount of plastic and rubbish in the environment.
Cycle/walk to work — it is good for you and good for wildlife and the environment.

Display Wildlife Friendly Otley leaflets — if you have the space, lay out some of our lovely leaflets for your customers and employees.
Follow/like us — on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter and show your support by liking and sharing our posts.
Avoid single-use plastics — when disposed of, these plastics are persistent in the environment and do not biodegrade. They become dangerous foreign objects in the environment that can be swallowed and absorbed by our wildlife.

A little less easy
Give birds a home — there are a number of bird boxes with different sized holes for different birds and where you place the box also affects who is likely to use it…
Provide a home for mammals — if you have the outdoor space, bat boxes and hedgehog houses will provide a safe refuge.

Grow plants and flowers butterflies and bees will love — this can add colour to the outside of your premises either in a window box or from hanging baskets.
Feed the birds — there are many different kinds of bird feeders, even ones that you can stick to the outside of your window, so you don't even have to have an outdoor space!
Sell duck food — if you are a shop, why not sell duck food? We can provide signage and advice.

A little more of a challenge
Create a hedgehog highway — if you have an outside space and are able, make small gaps in your fences and hedges, which will give our prickly friends room to roam.
Increase the use of organic produce that you buy or sell — on average, plant, insect and bird life is 50% more abundant on organic farms!
Raise awareness — if you have a customer-facing business, you could raise awareness of local wildlife through your products displays and/or your website.
Fundraise to support our work — in whichever way suits you best; for example you could organise a dress-down day, nominate us as your charity of the month or donate in kind.

Get involved! — a great team-building opportunity would be to take part in one of the hands-on conservation working party, such as with local nature reserves who need volunteers to help maintain the areas for wildlife.